Thursday 28 May 2020


Took another delivery of Lincolnshire Poacher today, a day or so early but right on time as far as the delivery company, DPD, is concerned. Plus, I am getting to know how to track my parcel with them and I am getting to know the driver who seems to get the round for this part of Epsom. Just like a postman of old.

Once again impressed by the packaging, which I thought to share, only omitting the sturdy cardboard box, cunningly designed to be folded into a box from flat, without needing metal fasteners, at the Neal's Yard Dairy warehouse in Bermondsey.

Left, two packets of what turned out on inspection to be a sort of low grade woollen felt, presumably made out of waste from a woollen mill. Top a bit of insulation, in three bubbles. Bottom right, a sort of freezer bag, the sort of thing we might put in a picnic bag - and we have retained it for that very purpose. We are assured that all the clear plastic is bio-degradable - so it is in the compost dustbin, along with one of the two felts. The other has been retained because it is bound to come in useful one day. And anyway, it seems a pity to throw it away.

One wonders how much it all costs. I think the cheese is much the same price as it is in their shops and I would have thought that DPD take all of the modest delivery charge - so the packaging must come out of the margin on the cheese. But packaging and delivery apart, mail-order is probably cheaper than selling out of London Bridge or Covent Garden, so perhaps they are doing OK.

One of the two felts, out of its bag.

Close up.

Too close for Cortana to cope. Maybe she would have, had I worked out how to fiddle with the settings on the telephone, of which I believe there are plenty. Just like the real cameras we thought we had left behind. Not that I ever owned one, not even a Box Brownie.

It is possible that one elder brother had one at one point, either picked up from a junk shop or handed down by my parents, who had moved onto something with black bellows by the time that I can remember. He was rather keen on mechanical gadgets and contraptions of one sort or another - although this one had no settings at all by the look of it.

Something along these lines, although I have no idea what brand or model. Maybe it will come to me. Maybe my sister will remember.

PS 1: another moan about Blogger's new client. The pictures, when posted, do not click to enlarge very much any more. In the old client, when one clicked on a posted image you got it more or less full-screen, which I liked. But no more. Perhaps they are pivoting towards the small screens of telephones. Maybe I will turn up some setting. Maybe I will try and fiddle with the HTML. But I would rather not have to.

PS 2: later: more fiddling with images. Now all set to 'large'. Extra large not a good plan as then the snaps overflow onto the lists of posts on the right. Not very pretty at all.

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