Sunday 15 March 2020

Fake 104

This morning, BH gets an email which purports to come from the chief executive, starts as illustrated and ends 'Best wishes, Mike'.

I am often irritated by communications of this sort, worthy enough in their purpose, but dressed up, faked up as if BH were a personal friend of said Mike.

I think I would prefer the communication to be in the form of a notice rather than a letter, and if they must do letter, 'Dear Customer' would be better than 'Dear Linda'. And perhaps more honestly signed on behalf of the customer relations team or some such. And quite apart from my irritation, BH is not best pleased to be reminded that they know her first name and can send it to my email address.

Perhaps I am too sensitive. In the upper reaches of government it is entirely normal for a junior person to draft a cuddly letter from a senior person to some member of the public, possibly an important member of the public, previously or personally known to neither junior nor senior person, for personal signature in real blue ink by senior person. And at the top of the heap, the Queen makes speeches to Parliament, framed as if she were expressing her regal wishes and will, when actually she is reading the words of some civil servant in the Cabinet Office. Or perhaps some special advisor at No.10. But certainly not the words of her special advisor, let alone her own. White lies which smooth and ease the transmission of power and instruction.

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