Saturday 28 March 2020

Afternoon tea

BH was slated to have tea somewhere grand with her two sons to mark her 70th birthday. Tea which was, on advice, postponed and replaced by a Devon cream tea hamper at home. Or to be more precise, a sturdy cardboard box, better suited to today's delivery arrangements.

A cleverly packed affair with a country design on the box involving, rather incongruously to my mind, a couple of buzzards circling in the distance. Not the sort of birds I would have associated with afternoon tea, even in Devon, where they are reasonably common.

The clotted cream part of the tea came in a plastic tub, might have been frozen at the time of despatch and was wrapped up in various insulating materials. Eight ounces of the stuff for four scones; yellow crust on top, thick and creamy underneath. Rather good.

Strawberry jam which, unusually, involved more strawberries than sugar.

The scones were described as a cunning hybrid between an English sweet scone and a Devon split, this last being a more bread like, yeast rising recipe. Whatever the case, they had done us well - as to my mind sweet scones are tricky things to deliver in a café or restaurant, being all too likely to arrive at the table stale or crumbly.

Plus substantial biscuits, a modest supply of chocolates and two kinds of tea. The chocolates were held over for today, BH took Earl Grey with milk and I took Earl Grey with lemon, having previously taken enough tea with milk for one day.

Not quite the same as somewhere grand, but a pretty fair substitute in the circumstances. Arranged at rather short notice too.

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