Sunday 19 April 2020

Series I, Episode IV

Polly was a getting to be a bit put out that she was not getting into Grandpa's brick scene. So this morning, she persuaded Yuri and Pedro to join her in an assault on the noon-tide brick heap.

So, while Grandpa was messing about in the kitchen with his cordon rouge cheese sauce, involving both onion and celery, fried in a little butter, to go with Grandma's special boiled bacon and boiled vegetables, they would sneak out of the front door while Grandma was peeping down the side passage to see if any packages had been left there overnight.

Nip round the back, collect digging sticks from the tub where they live - and off up the brick heap. It was quite scary as the bricks, being both old and varied, were quite wobbly. There might even be an avalanche. On the other hand, there were plenty of cracks into which they could push their digging sticks to make footholds, as can be seen in the close-up above.

As was only fair, Polly was at point and summited first. To be followed by Pedro and then Yuri, backstop on this occasion.

The only bad thing was they had forgotten to bring the rope, so instead of abseiling down, which would have been fun, they had to climb down. Which was, rather to their surprise, quite a lot harder than climbing up. Which all goes to explain why cats (and toys) get stuck up trees so often.

Baby Bear was the lookout and he had been told to screech if he saw or heard any sign of Grandpa. And to screech especially loudly if Grandpa had a red face or was breathing heavily as these were bad signs, often of bad temper. He might even do a number and have a melt down.

Reference 1:

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