Thursday 2 April 2020

Economic activity

Some time in the last 24 hours this important message from BT has appeared on the sidewalk outside our house, quite near the round cover to our outside water stop cock - a stop cock which has leaked from time to time over the years and required attention from Thames Water. Are BT and Thames Water in some kind of distribution link up? To get better use of the crowded space underneath our sidewalk?

Given that our Broadband is delivered by pole at present, are we about to be upgraded to fibre to the door? In which connection, I might say that I have been impressed with the way the the tier one IT infrastructure services - BT Broadband, Google, Bing and Amazon are holding up - against what must be a huge surge in suburban demand. We might have overlooked the critical care infrastructure, but it looks, so far, as if we got the IT infrastructure right.

In any event, evidence that the economic life of the country goes on, as was the presence of getting on for a dozen white vans in our road of maybe 70 dwellings.

While in the course of my morning stint of 18 bricks, about 45 minutes worth, I was disturbed by a great clatter at the bottom of the garden. It took me a while to work out what it was, but eventually lighted on a flock of maybe twenty jays in the tops of the various trees the other side of our back hedge, not that easy to pick out against the sky. We do see the odd jay in our garden from time to time, but I do not recall seeing a flock before. Maybe we are into the herding season which precedes the mating season.

PS: don't know about Facebook and Twitter, but I think I would have heard if they were not up and running OK.

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