Tuesday 28 April 2020

Series 1, Episode X

Polly and her friends spent the wet morning in a makeshift bivouac on the edge of the lily pond, hoping that the rain would bring the newts up and that they would get a first sighting.

Sadly this was not to be, but at least Yuri managed not to fall in. Nor even to jump in, which was possible given that he was wearing his spacesuit, almost certainly waterproof.

While this was going on, or rather not going on, Grandpa had his first excursion for over a month, thinking that the rain would keep people in and he could walk the roads without risk to himself or others. And so it turned out to be, as in the course of five circuits of the block, he only had to leave the road for the sidewalk once. Estimated from gmaps to be just about 5km. It was also wet enough for it to be an outing for the fine rain coat first noticed at reference 2, the first time it had been out for a while too.

Maybe three dog walkers. Three delivery vans. One mail van, which they are still allowed to call the Royal Mail, selling off notwithstanding.

Grandpa decided that the Toller hawthorn tree, now in full flood, was the best looking tree on the circuit. Grandma was not so sure.

A small pile of rubble and bricks at the end of one drive. Perhaps something to be visited again when the rain stops.

There was also a handsome low hedge of a deep pink azalea at the north eastern end of Anderson Close. And just past that, on the other side of the road, a healthy looking box hedge, perhaps two or three years old, with lots of new growth and no sign of caterpillar damage.

While the gas people were busy digging another hole in the road outside the express pre-fab being erected by Baufritz, last noticed at reference 1. The was a van parked inside the Baufritz compound instead of the small crane, but things did not seem to have moved on much otherwise since the end of March. And to be fair to the gas people, it was only a small hole, apparently something to do with mending the last one.

Reference 1: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2020/03/express-prefab.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv3.blogspot.com/2018/10/a-coup.html.

Group search key: wwwy.

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