Friday 24 April 2020

Series 1, Episode VIII

When they heard about the newt noticed at reference 1, Polly and her friends thought that they would like to visit the lily pond. To which end they persuaded Grandma to lend them one of her freezer boxes to use as a boat - light enough that Pedro and Yuri were able to carry it down the garden to the pond. Pedro was to be captain, Polly was to be cook and Yuri, the youngest, was to be the cabin boy.

They launched their boat on the pond and had a good time paddling it about with their hands. Polly was excused as she was busy cooking. A good time which included a second sighting of a large newt, swimming about a few inches below the surface.

Then Yuri, perhaps mindful of Grandpa's stories about people having snoozes in the giant lily pads sometimes to be found in Ventnor Botanic Gardens (of reference 3), thought that he would try standing on a lily leaf. Sadly, however carefully he climbed onto them, they seemed to sink and he got very wet. And standing on the turtle was no better. Which didn't matter very much because it was a very warm afternoon.

Just in case, Grandma and Baby Bear organised some hot drinks.

PS: Yuri might get on better later in the year when the lily leaves, the lily pads, will be a lot bigger. But there might then be a problem launching their boat.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: wwwy.

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