Friday 16 August 2019

Variation 2 in B barley

Having given chicken soup with barley a rest for a few months - see reference 1 - we thought today to give it another go.

Much the same sort of thing.

Simmer two chicken breasts, cut into two halves each, in about a litre of water for 35 minutes. Take chicken out and put aside.

Simmer five ounces of pearl barley, with five sticks of green celery, fresh from Waitrose, in the chicken stock for 45 minutes. Take off the heat, adding a little water if necessary.

Simmer four coarsely chopped onions - small rather than medium - in a little butter. To the point of a few brown edges.

Cut four large mushrooms into chunks. Slice the stalks.

Coarsely chop the chicken, add it and the onions to the barley etc, and bring back to heat. A few minutes before the off, add the mushrooms. The mix should not have much free liquid at this point.

Meanwhile, cook five ounces of long grain brown rice. My technique being to use lots of water and drain after about 40 minutes. Cook some chou pointu. Serve it all up.

Some stewed, windfall damsons did very well for dessert.

PS: those who like stronger flavours might need to add salt, pepper, e-numbers etc. I should also say that I had thought to add a cross-sliced slice of streaky bacon, but couldn't find it so didn't. Didn't seem to matter.

Reference 1:

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