Thursday 30 January 2020

Car ports

On the way back to the Stones Road underpass from Kiln Lane this morning, for the first time ever I took what turned out to be a short cut through the Farriers Road estate, on this occasion all very clean and tidy, with none of the scaffolding in evidence on Street View.

I was rather impressed with what I imagine are called town houses, with short car ports underneath, a short drive and small rear gardens. Quite large enough for a few plants and a place to sit in the sun. The car ports include the front doors and are wide enough to take dustbins, cycles, umbrellas, outdoor shoes and other bits and bobs of that sort, as well as the front end of a car. And it looked as if the average car would go far enough in that you could get in and out of the front of it in the dry, should it be raining. I thought all rather neat.

A place to downsize to in years to come? With Sainsbury's and its useful café a few steps one way and a mental health facility - the Brickfield centre - the whole area used to be a brick field or brick yard - a few steps the other. This last appeared to be up and running but its website contained nothing other than a suggestion that it was something to do with mental health.

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