Saturday 25 January 2020

A policeman behind bars

Sunday is our day off newspapers, while Saturday is our day off the Guardian, in part because this last is too posh to recognise ITV3 in its TV guide for the week ahead. Added to which it is printed in a rather tatty little booklet.

So I was interested to read in a short report in today's DT about a military policeman who had been jailed for trying to touch up a sleeping colleague, with whom he was sharing a bed, in her quarters, presumably at her invitation. Drink had been taken. And puzzled as to why the court took such a serious view of the matter. And as to why the colleague chose to press charges when she woke up. From this distance jail seems quite disproportionate - but perhaps the DT is not telling us the whole sorry story.

A military court if the accompanying picture is anything to go by. And I was once told that military prisons - of which there used to be one at Colchester - were pretty grim places. Perhaps even worse for a disgraced officer of the military police.

PS: in the margins, I learn that pictures on the DT website can come in something called JXR format, known to Microsoft but not to Google, at least not to the blogger part of Google. Day saved by the Snip & Sketch tool.

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