Saturday 8 December 2018

Sad news

In the course of browsing some of my older blog posts I discovered, quite by chance, that Ottawa's Sausage Kitchen, noticed at reference 1, is no more. The chance being clicking on the address and being told that I couldn't have it.

Checking this morning, I find that it had been selling sausage to the foodies of Ottawa for a long time, but went bankrupt in 2016. It seems to have been, until shortly before that, the long time concern of a family of Ukrainians. From reference 2 we have: '... Jacek took it really hard. Ran into him and chatted with him for a moment few weeks ago. The store was pretty much what he and his family dedicated their lives to until he decided to slow down a little and retire to spend more time with his grandkids since they grow up so quickly. His oldest grandkid is in university and was able to help him out a lot. He was really passionate about it that he was there part time with the new owners who pretty much ruined it all. His son handled most of the production too. I highly doubt that it was a plant-compliance or food safety issue that brought it down as the family was always pedantic about that stuff...'.

I don't suppose that being a small, independent business in a fashionable area - with ByWard Market being a bit like our Covent Garden - is any easier in Ottawa than it is here in London.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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