Thursday 13 December 2018

Breakfast twittering

Three bits in yesterday's Guardian caught my eye over the breakfast bread and cheese.

First, protesters who mess around with live aeroplanes on the tarmac should not whine when they get punished. Better still, they should find some other way to protest. In this country, unlike plenty of others, there are plenty of avenues for legal and peaceful protest.

Second, the story seems to be that criminalising neither consumption nor supply of sexual services seems to do much good. When will we learn that there is lots of stuff out there which is not going to go away just because we make it illegal and subject to the sanctions of criminal law? Particularly when there are plenty of people out there who don't see much wrong with the stuff in question. We might just be making things worse rather than better and there are certainly better ways to spend our money, to deal with the issues arising, than throwing all the rather clumsy (and very expensive) machinery of criminal justice at it. A lesson we have learned in relation to gambling, but not in relation to drugs or - it seems - in relation to sexual services.

Third, an enterprising Norwegian artist has persuaded someone that parking large lumps of ice in the front yard of Tate Modern (and elsewhere) is an important statement about something or other. The lumps in question having been expensively transported from Greenland. I associated to the enterprising New York artist who used to sell lumps of rock through some up-market art gallery. When the gallery ran low, he simply phoned up the quarry and asked them to deliver a few more, direct to the gallery. No need for him to get involved in a more practical way at all. He just provided the concept and cashed in the cheques.

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