Saturday 24 July 2021

Wellingtonia 36

Fresh from a spot of provisioning at Bachmann's, we managed to get a touch lost in St. Mary's Road, Long Ditton, that is to say a little to the south west of Surbiton. First, appropriately given that 'Clarissa' is coming to a climax, we had a Lovelace Road. Then, a bit further down, opposite Sharon Close, we had Wellingtonia 36. The telephone prompted me - something it had never done before - to do something about the light levels or something - but the snaps still didn't turn out very well - despite the sun being vaguely to my left, not in front of me. And not helped by there being a smaller tree in front. And I couldn't touch the tree in question, sometimes included in the rules, as it was just over the fence from someone's front garden, but I was near enough.

A road and an area we did not know at all. Full of very swanky looking houses, with lots of mature trees, including plenty of large conifers. Within walking distance of the excellently connected Surbiton Station. Prices, I should imagine, in millions rather than hundreds of thousands.

Eventually worked our way back to the 'Maypole' and we were back on course again. Not a house I have ever used, despite passing it on many occasions, sometimes when it was open, sometimes after catching a very late train to Surbiton.

To celebrate, BH knocked up a flan for lunch, known to some as a Quiche Lorraine, shown here fresh out of the oven, lightly domed. Very good it was too, despite the dome subsiding (as it does), served with salad and small potatoes. Followed by some strangely pink Spanish plums, much better stewed than they had been raw the day before.

And a little later on, a couple of the natty small cakes sold by Bachmann's, taken along with tea and my winning a low scoring game of Scrabble. Also very good.

Reference 1:

Group search key: wgc.

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