Tuesday, 20 July 2021


A new to me recipe, not involving a recipe book.

Squeeze three lemons. Put the juice in a jug.

Put the quartered lemon peels, two ounces of pearl barley. two tablespoons of sugar into a saucepan with a couple of pints or so of water. Bring to the boil and simmer for half an hour or so.

Strain, leave to cool and then add to the juice, making maybe three pints altogether.

For drinking, half fill a suitable glass and top up with cold water.

Slightly sour, but rather a good drink, in modest quantities, in the heat of midday sun.

PS: in Maigret, someone in the 'limonade' is someone who works in the alcohol business. Noticeable when alive for their habit of taking low-alcohol or no-alcohol drinks most of the time, when dead for their distinctive feet, the result of being on them for such a long time.

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