Monday 5 July 2021


Having spotted one candidate for our next car, the one to replace our rather staid & battered Ford C Max (still very reliable mechanically), the Pontiac Transam on four wheels, noticed at reference 1, today we spotted a second candidate, a very flashy looking BRP Can-Am Spyder on three wheels. That is to say a motorbike with two wheels at the front, one wheel at the back, gear shift just behind the handlebars and microphones in the helmets so that driver and pillion can chat in comfort as they go along. Plus, for the purpose of being licensed to drive it, it can be regarded as a car or a motorbike, at your convenience. In charge of a couple from Lancashire who used it for touring. Couple of days here, couple of days there sort of thing. They said there was no problem finding accommodation. And on a day like today, mild with a light breeze, a pleasant enough way to travel.

A brand from Bombardier which died in 1987 but which has been revived by the people at reference 2, fairly recently bought by Alstom, of reference 4, along with the rest of Bombardier.

A brand with a big advertising budget if their website, reference 2, is anything to go by. Lots of flashy camera work and videos, which rather remind me of the sort of thing you used to get from brands like Bacardi, but maybe they are not allowed anymore. Any more than flashy camera work from Marlboro. Far too corrupting. While the young lady above is not setting a very good example as regards helmets.

PS 1: the driver had heard of the gatherings at Box Hill and did know of Honda Gold Wings. Some of which have three wheels (two at the back, rather than the two at the front of the Spyder) and some of which cost the same sort of money as the Spyder, with this last topping out at over £30,000 on eBay this afternoon.

PS 2: quite unrelated, the people at Bosch have my email address, for some reason I forget, and so they send me advertisements. Their cunning wheeze this evening was to have the title of their email in German, the body in French and the balance in English. In the hope that all this would catch my eye. Which it did, at least on this first occasion. 

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Their latest report. Lots of pictures.

Reference 4:

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