Sunday 21 June 2020

Jubilee Way anticlockwise (failed again)

The second attempt at the Jubilee Way anticlockwise failed this morning. On this occasion, because although I got the route right, turning off Cox Lane up Roebuck Road, I failed to make it to the top, the road being a stiff incline for me given the more or less standing start to it. There was a bit left in the legs when I got off to walk, but I was not sure that pushing that hard was a good plan, all things considered.

Doesn't look much in the snap from Street View above, but it was. Plus, hills can be very deceptive. The one on Kingston Road as you head north west up to the Ruxley Lane junction, looks quite impressive from the lights at the bottom, but turns out to be easy enough. In the past, I have noticed the same thing heading north east up the A24 at Stonecut Hill. But that was a long time ago, and I might take a different view today.

Will it be third time lucky, or will I give up?

PS: I notice from gmaps that we have a naturist swimming club, the Noah's Ark Naturist Swim & Sauna Club, at Ruxley Lane, the last place one would have thought of, with the place at the Isle of Wight noticed at reference 2 and Facebook'd at reference 3 being much more the thing; just like the East Germany of old. But reference 4 suggests a good range of activities on offer. Perhaps should park across the road and see who the punters are. Probably just like everyone else.

Reference 4: '... The second and third studies took place at a “Bare all for Polar Bears” event at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park (24 participants) and British Naturism’s Waterworld event in Stoke on Trent (100 participants). At both events, participants were assessed just before shedding their clothes and at the end of the event, before they put them back on. In both cases participants experienced immediate and significant improvements in body-image, self-esteem and life satisfaction...'.

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