Saturday 19 September 2020

Wellingtonia 16

Aerial view provided by Bing maps for once

Far view

Nearer view. Pumpkins left

Near view of mangled ticket

Up close and personal with one of them

And another, yet another behind

These Wellingtonia have been snapped before, but not since the count started, so reasonable to score them here. Scored as one on the grounds that they are a clump, rather than separated, separately scorable trees. In the margins of a visit to Wisley, on which there will be further report in due course.

To the immediate left of the trial plots in the middle of the first snap. One can see that they are tall tree by their shadows, but they are not all Wellingtonia and I would not care to have to say which was which. Oddly, the snap comes from Bing Maps but is credited to Ordnance Survey and TomTom. One can see that Microsoft might not want to spend the sort of money that Google must be spending on this sort of thing, but what is Ordnance Survey bringing to the table, what is TomTom bringing to the table? Which of them actually organises the necessary aeroplanes and assembling the resultant photographs into something map-like?

The next snap from the eastern end of the trial plots, that is to say rightmost on the first snap. The one after that from the middle of the trial plots.

No idea what could have happened to the ticket. Caught up in a bit of garden machinery?

I think something said that these trees were over a hundred years old now, perhaps a hundred and fifty years old. Perhaps a twentieth of what would be a good life in their home in California.

PS 1: in the course of deciphering the aerial snap, I was confused by not noticing that the official map of Wisley is not upright, north at the top, in the usual way. North being right. I don't think I have ever noticed this before.

PS 2: Tuesday: OneDrive has now caught up with my telephone, four days later. Not usually this bad.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search keys: wgc, wsb.

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