Wednesday 30 September 2020

The suitcase

A short while I ago I read and liked the book by Dovlatov at reference 2 noticed at reference 1 - and so thought that I would try another, the one about a suitcase at reference 3.

Procured through Abebooks France through RecycLivre who got it from Caen public library. Probably the one snapped above, built in 1971 or so, with the main operation now having been moved to a flashy new building on the docks. On my laptop, I thought I could make out books behind the glass and there is also the tell-tale 'Bibl' above the glass. Place Louis Guillouard. Perhaps the flashy new building dumped a lot of old stock to make room for multi-media events and other stuff of that sort.

Inside I learn that French libraries annul books when they retire them, while we just withdraw them. The same sort of heavy duty, public service stamp in black though. There is also an instruction stamped in red asking readers not to attempt to repair damaged books, rather to report damage to a librarian. And I have to say that this second book, while from the same publisher as the first one, is in much poorer condition. Perhaps it was a much read book in its day, although there is no stamped record of loans. I don't suppose that they have done that for years, any more than we have.

And while it might have been much read, I did not like it as much as the first. Constructed on very similar lines, essentially eight short stories, each one about an item of clothing in the suitcase the author took with him when he left the Soviet Union. While the first was twelve short stories linked together in a different way. But very much the same kind of story, stories about the sometimes dreary life of a marginal journalist during the twilight years of the Soviet Union. Another common thread was the amount of drink taken. But somehow, it just seemed to be going over the same ground. Perhaps if I could read the original, or if my French had been better, I would have got on better. Perhaps I shall try again in a few months time.

Reference 1:

Reference 2: Le Compromis - Sergueϊ Dovlatov - 1981/2005.

Reference 3: La Valise - Sergueϊ Dovlatov - 1986/2001.

Reference 4:

Reference 5: Flashy new library.

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