Saturday 27 July 2019

This week's project

Having been in the area on Friday, BH has been telling me how irritating she found the corner façade of the building called 'The Kirkgate' in Church Street, with this snap of it lifted from Street View.

Firstly, she disliked the aggressively muddled design. A young and inexperienced architect who got carried away trying to make a point?

Secondly, she disliked the cod medieval name of 'Kirkgate'. Partly because it was cod, partly because kirks are more usually found in Scotland. Perhaps in part because she has spent quality time in a real medieval town with streets named for gates in the city walls. Much less fake.

While I dislike putting the definite article 'The' in front. Pretentious. And the slab of building to the right just looks dull.

But I must make a point of visiting the site for myself to see how irritating (or not) that I find it.

PS: an outfit called 'Conservative Buzz' is sending me lots and lots of junk email, far more than anyone else, typically several a day. Presumably I am being punished for taking an interest in their first email, noticed at reference 2. Is it all part of some right wing plot to drown us all with fake news? Fortunately Google knows where to put such stuff. The Eden bible people come next at around one a day, now sustained for years. Possibly the fault of St. Perpetua, noticed at reference 3.

Reference 1: gmaps 51.3333743,-0.2627002.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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