Friday 21 December 2018


Several of these notices have appeared on trees down the Longmead Road. It seems that you can take person or persons unknown to law at the Queen's Bench.

Presumably, a necessary formality before you can send in the bulldozers.

I asked both Bing and Google about the reference number top right any they both thought it was something to do with either fantasy football or the NFL draft in the US. See reference 1.

While asking various justice sites operated by HMG, turned up nothing at all. Perhaps you need to do the crooked figure sign manual, used by articled lawyers all over the western world as a recognition signal, to the camera on one's laptop, to gain proper access.

Perhaps a visit to the town hall is indicated.

PS: called in the town hall today, to be taken in hand by a very jolly receptionist. Perhaps it was something to do with Alexandra Park? No, it was put up in Longmead Road. Perhaps it was a matter for the county council? No, it says apply to the town hall. OK, I have been given no direction on that point and I shall have to consult the legal eagles. Maybe if you come back next week, I will have the answer. In the background there were loud whoops and cheers, the result of a charity paper dart competition for town hall staff, perhaps before they set off for their Christmas bash? Perhaps the receptionist was there in spirit, rather than down among the travellers with me.

PPS: 20181223 it seems that there are similar notices attached to trees on Fair Green, by the car park there, more or less opposite what was once the Eclipse public house. So it looks as if whatever formality it is, it is being carried through for all the green spaces in the borough used by the travelling people. Let them take their mess and bother somewhere else!

Reference 1:

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