Monday 13 July 2020

Forecasting clouds

We have had interesting cloudscapes over Epsom the past couple of days. Lots of interesting white clouds scudding about a sunlit sky, maybe 50% blue.

With the present point of interest being to know whether weather forecasters know anything about cloudscapes. The one's with big computers talk of running their models at a resolution of one metre cubes, which ought to be plenty small enough to know about the shapes and textures of clouds, as seen from the ground.

Or do they have a stab at cloud type and texture from properties of the patch of sky in question, rather than trying to model the clouds directly?

This might have been a question for Dame Slingo of reference 1 - with the catch being that I am pretty hopeless at formulating questions on the day. Might have good questions in mind - but fail to turn them into words which might catch the attention & interest of the speaker.

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