Monday 13 July 2020


The web that this bug, top left, perhaps a quarter of an inch long, was captured in is quite elaborate, terminating under the table top, although you wouldn't know that from this snap. I think the idea is that the large spider just visible lurking bottom right, knows that he has caught something without needing to venture out of his lair. Just nip out to wrap the thing up, the work of seconds, then back to safety under said table top.

I remember, years ago in France, in a lay-by on a hot summer's day, seeing a spider wrap up a grasshopper - perhaps a cricket - which was a lot bigger than he was in very short order. Once he had got a few strands around its legs, the grasshopper was more or less immobilised and that was it done for.

I think that the elderly steel frame on which the table top is mounted was originally a table in a Dorset school. I think also that the table top is the third that we have given it in the frame's time with us: the potting table which lives outside the kitchen window, next to the garage. Also a posing table for my various trophies picked up in and around Epsom. See, for example, reference 1.

On which the current BH verdict is that the yellow roadside flower snapped there is not rape, although probably some relative. Far too small for a start.

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