Saturday 30 May 2020

Series 2, Episode VI

In the last episode Polly and her friends were rather cross that their adventure snaps had not turned up from Peppa Central. As it turned out, they did turn up later in the day that they held their sit-down strike on top of Grandpa's laptop.

A few week's previously, before the Great Plague, Grandpa had picked up a good length of two by two from somewhere. Pedro and Yuri thought that it would make an excellent bridge from the roof of the extension to the roof of the garage, over the back patio. There would be no handrails so they would have to be careful, but there would be super views. Maybe they would be able to persuade Joey the cat to have a go.

Baby Bear was a bit prone to vertigo outside so he wouldn't have a go, but he seemed to be OK hiding under the flower pot and watching the goings on from there.

Yuri went in front, as being dressed up as a cosmonaut he was clearly going to be best at heights, then Pedro - with Polly bringing up the rear.

You can see in this snap how high up it must have seen to them. At least the bridge was quite wide, nearly as wide as they were tall which was something. While Grandpa with his big feet would probably have had trouble balancing on it all, even had it been a great deal nearer the ground.

After a while, Yuri, being only small, got bored with walking backwards and forwards across the new bridge. Particularly since Grandma had stopped clapping and had got on with reading her book. So he a Grandpa knocked up a little contraption so that he could abseil down to the patio. Not only was it good fun, but he enjoyed all Polly's and Pedro's concern. So concerned that they lay down on the bridge, the better to keep an eye on him as he went down. Not that they could do anything about it if anything had gone wrong.

Which it didn't. So after a while they all traipsed into the dining room, out of the sun, and tucked into raspberries and ice cream for lunch. The raspberries had probably been grown somewhere in Africa, but the Sainsbury's web site did not say exactly where.

PS: curiously, when you click on Microsoft's Edge's zoom in to try an make the picture of the raspberries on the Sainsbury's website get bigger, and so perhaps to read the small print on the label, the picture zooms out. That is to say the picture is biggest when zoom is 10% and smallest when zoom is 1000%, which is not what I would expect at all. On the other hand, I have learned the browser zoom is a way to make the unsatisfactorily small pictures on new style blog bigger. Don't suppose it makes the number of pixels bigger though; just a crude enlargement.

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