Monday 25 May 2020

A Majestic promotion

A few week's ago Mr. Majestic (on perhaps his computer writing on his behalf) sent me an enthusiastic email about a small lot of fine German wine - a 2006 Erdener Treppchen Riesling Auslese from Mosel - which he had managed to lay his hands on. Special recommendation! Buy now while the stock lasts! I don't usually respond to emails of this sort, but on this occasion, being fond of Riesling - I even used to drink the stuff in that mainly French establishment called Terroirs - I did, and bought six of them - plus six of the tried and trusted Villa Maria sauvignon blanc.

Yesterday, having previously noticed the arrival of the stuff at reference 1, we gave it a go as accompaniment to our roast leg of (New Zealand) lamb. Both sweet and weak but we rather liked it. Pretty colour in the old cut glass. Perhaps helped along by a spot of the 'Favour' noticed at reference 2 to get going, by way of an apéritif. The last bottle of this last, as it happens.

The oldest wine we have drunk for a bit, dating as it does from 2006, and it even had a cork. And was not even dear. We wondered how it was that the bureaucrats of Brussels - the people that our hirsute leader loves to hate - did not get around to insisting that German white wines were put in standard bottles with screw tops, rather than these awkwardly tall bottles with corks.

Plenty of action on the Internet, and it does seems that this Dr. Hermann is a real wine grower, not a figment of some blender and wholesaler's imagination, but it took a few clicks for Google to discover reference 3, presumably because there is more or less nothing there. Just enough to be sure that it is the right people.

PS: for some reason the relevant Microsoft data centres are on a go-slow today and it took nearly 24 hours for this snap to move from my telephone to my laptop. Usually much faster than this.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Work in progress.

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