Saturday 9 May 2020

Memory disaster

What must be some years ago now, I splashed out £2 on the film snapped left, a Woody Allen film from 2010, a cast-off from Surrey Libraries.

This evening, being let down once again by ITV3, we turned it up again. No memory of having watched it at all. Must have bought it, not watched it more or less immediately for some reason or other and it then drifted out of sight, down to the bottom of the pile.

Don't really know anything about Woody Allen films, except that I don't think I like them. Far too clever and shrink orientated for me. Bit of a puzzle why I bought this one, even for £2. And at first, I didn't think I was going to like it, like this one, all far too noisy and I wasn't sure about having a narrator in the background - but in the end, I quite enjoyed it. Along the way getting Pauline Collins, who was in the film, and Angela Lansbury, who wasn't, completely muddled up.

But what was scary was that I remembered just one short scene from the middle of the film, when the leading lady (Gemma Jones) visits, for the first time, the occult book shop run by the new man in her life (Roger Ashton-Griffiths). Quite sure that I had seen this bit before. Which suggests that we did watch at least most of the film, but 99% of it had vanished. Including any memory of having watched it at all. While BH says that she remembered nothing about it.

The blog archive contains half a dozen mentions of things woody, all plants of one sort or another, but none of Woody Allen. So no help from there.

PS: the following morning: I have now decided that I know Pauline Collins from the Agatha adaptation 'The Pale Horse', in which, as it happens, she plays another medium. Perhaps she has specialised in maturity. At least this decision is confirmed by Bing.

Reference 1:

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