Tuesday 11 June 2019

Mystery flower

Captured on a grass verge outside one of the sheds along Blenheim Road. I had thought marsh orchid, but closer inspection of the flower and of the images turned up by Google suggests not. The florets of the marsh orchid look like miniature irises, miniature orchids even, which is not the case with this flower, where the florets look to be straightforward, radially organised flowers with five or six petals; not like miniature irises at all. I may be able to say more when I have had an opportunity to consult with BH.

Later: I have now consulted and various ancient wild flower books have now been turned over. After zooming in on the original image from my telephone, we now think that the florets may be miniature irises after all. So marsh orchid after all. But I had better keep an eye on it to see how things develop.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim, thank you for posting this, I think it's a pyramid orchid and I nipped round to Blenheim Road to have a look myself - it's only my second ever wild orchid!

    This time last year I spotted a bee orchid one morning on a strip of verge outside the entrance to Hook Road Arena, by the time I went back that evening the council had mown the verge and cut it to the ground - I hope the same fate doesn't befall your orchid!
    Best wishes, Anne.
