Thursday 25 July 2019

Fake 79

Some panelling, I think around the base of a large, indoor statue in Osborne House, of wood painted up to look like marble.

A sort of faking which was very common until, say, the time of the second world war. I remember working with a painter, a chap from the East End who had been in the merchant service during that war, telling me that his apprenticeship had including knocking out this sort of stuff. Not something many house painters today could manage, I dare say. Not enough call for it.

He had also taken advantage of his new found right to buy his council house, although he did not approve. But, not unreasonably, he thought that if they were being sold off, he was deserving as another. This being back in the early 1970's. Checking this date with Thatcher, I was rather surprised to find that right to buy had originally been invented by the Labour Party in 1959, but with sales only really getting underway in the early 1970's. Thatcher came later. Which all goes to show, one needs to keep an eye on the history.

Reference 1: The visit in question.

Reference 2:

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