Friday 26 July 2019


It seems that Dame Trace and Damien Dude have a second cousin called Sarah Lucas, and I found it rather depressing that a museum in New York should see fit to put on an exhibition of her stuff - with the snap left being at the tame end of the spectrum, that a museum in Los Angeles should see fit to give a lot of it a permanent home and that the NYRB should see fit  to give it two or three learned pages. Or at least I think they are learned, not having done more than scan them in 'yours disgusted of Epsom' mode.

Another triumph of promotion & package over content. And should you be a lover of promotion & package, you can buy the book of the exhibition from that once proud art publisher, Phaidon, for USD79.95.

And then that while this is going on on the other side of the pond, on this side of the pond, I see from today's Guardian, that we see fit to take a television personality to jury trial on account of, in the words of the prosecutor, 'a simple allegation of a brief sexual touching over clothing'. The alleged touching took place in 2008 when the complainant was 30. What on earth is the matter with us that we allow such stuff to be brought forward, 10 years after the event?

Are there countries out there which make a better fist of this sort of thing?

Reference 1: A previous puff for Dame Trace.

Reference 2: A previous puff for Damien Dude. We have avoided Ilfracombe since their council fell for this one.

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