Friday 21 August 2020

Dream cheese

In the course of waking up this morning, I got to thinking about a food parcel which had happened in the past few days. A food parcel, carefully packaged in brown paper rather than cardboard, which was in two parts, one small and one large. The small part contained a small tin of cheese, the size of a small tin of corned beef, with the cheese inside being a wedge shaped portion rather than brick shaped. I associate to Germany. There was also some biscuits, perhaps Carr's water biscuits or Jacob's cream crackers. The large part was also cheese flavoured, but now vague. Perhaps Lincolnshire Poacher, my regular cheese, rather than something foreign. Cheese flavoured when I had been expecting meat.

First thought, when waking, was that this was a real event in the recent past. Second thought was that this was a dream from the recent past which had been reactivated in a cut-down, summary form. Nothing like as vivid or as richly detailed as first time around. With thinking that I am having a dream the second time around, or having the latest version of a regular dream, being a reasonably frequent occurrence.

However, now that I am fully awake, up and running, Cortana woken up, there seems to be no record of any such dream, so I suppose that I shall never know.

On the other hand, searching the blog for 'dream' did turn up reference 1, clearly relevant to yesterday's post on the same topic, that is to say reference 2. Which reminded me that printing on the wall of the old Continental tyre claimed that it had been hand made in Germany - whatever hand made might mean in the case of a bicycle tyre - while the new, rather cheaper Nutrak tyre was made in China. 

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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