Wednesday 17 June 2020

Topped up

Feeling a bit nostalgic about lunchtimes at Terroirs (in William IV street, in London), and the Pierre Précieuse noticed at reference 1, I visited the wine supplier connected to their web site, the people at reference 2, to top up. People who operate out of somewhere near Guildford, not much further away from us than Terroirs itself, possibly nearer in terms of time, so probably a place to visit in person at some point.

Not the same list as the wine bar, but there is plenty of overlap, Pierre Précieuse was present, and it all made a change from Majestic. So I ordered some PP, plus a couple of bottles of 'Miss. M', the next wine up (on the Guildford list), for still more change. Hopefully we will like that too.

The stuff arrived in just a few days, perhaps three or four including the weekend, in the sturdiest cardboard box I have seen during the current emergency. Not snapped here as OneDrive synchronisation is having one of its off periods, but we shall try the wine quite soon. And the box has been preserved in the garage, in case it comes in useful for something, someday. One supposes that the suppliers of cardboard boxes are doing very well just presently. Not to mention the suppliers of the cardboard.

PS 1: Microsoft's OneDrive is usually very good, but I have not yet found a way to poke it into life when it is having one of these off-periods. And being something close to a freebie from a company with a great deal of market power, there is no service level agreement and no point of escalation. One just has to wait and hope. To be fair, synchronisation does catch up in the end, stuff does not get lost. But it can be frustrating waiting - with something like a hundred very important snaps from Saturday still in the pipeline.

PS 2: Alexandre Bain does not seem to run to a web site but he does seem to be a real person, not something dreamed up by a marketing department. And it is said that he can be found at 18, Rue des Levées, 58150 Tracy sur Loire. I can't get nearer than No.16 on gmaps, but it possible that the grapes in the middle of the snap above belong to the domaine in question. Odd that the hole in the cable top left does not seem to propagate into the sky around. Doesn't compute quite yet.

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