Thursday 25 June 2020

Eating outdoors

The tail end of our first lunch taken out of doors for a long time. The first ever in this particular part of the garden, this particularly shady part of the garden, protected by triple nut centre (above the bottles), hawthorn left and double oak right, off snap.

French wine from the Loire via Guildford done, mulling over whether to revert to the Villa Maria from New Zealand via Majestic or to go for a drop of the amber nectar. The telephone certainly knew which bottle to focus on, so I went for the amber nectar.

Curiously, the wine from Loire, which had been new to us on Sunday, tasted quite different from that we had had on Sunday. Still good, but different. So was the change in taste the result of change of context & ambience, or was it that the wine was from a different batch, possible as we have had two deliveries of the stuff now?

Parental card table taken outside for the purpose, plus two substantial cottage chairs from the other side of the family. Substantial and old enough to include what look like shaped elm seats.

As it happens, we discovered only a couple of weeks ago that some people across the road have the identical card table, and theirs still has its green felt on it, our felt being more than thirty years gone. And I may say, higher grade card table, nicely made with good quality fittings. There are lesser tables about, from the same period, say the 1940's.

PS 1: I have a lurking feeling that I have noticed this very card table quite recently, but cannot this morning trace anything. Perhaps it will turn up later in the day.

PS 2: I had been about to correct the 'theirs' above to 'their's'. But Bing assures me quite firmly that this would be wrong. 'Theirs' is correct, despite plenty of native speakers of English, natives of England even, getting it wrong.

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