Wednesday 29 April 2020

Batch 559

Polly and her friends thought it best to hide under the car and watch the world go by while Grandpa was marching up and down with his bricks, waiting for the first rise of batch 559.

Yuri wanted to stand in the middle so that he could pester both Pedro and Polly, one after the other, but Polly thought it would be much better if she was in charge and stood in the middle. They counted the important BT Openreach van going past two times, but it did not stop at the important sign on the pavement on either occasion. See reference 1.

Joey the cat from next door was not best pleased as they had taken his spot - and he sloped off looking rather disgusted.

PS: a little while earlier, Grandma had gone on an expedition to Sainsbury's to do the weekly older persons' shop and to have a bit of a natter in the queue. For the second or third visit running, no wholemeal bread flour, although white bread flour was back on the shelves, albeit in diminished quantities. Where is all this wholemeal flour going? My understanding is that if you have more than about one part wholemeal to three parts white, you get a very heavy loaf. Not the sort of thing that I want at all. But the sort of thing that older readers might remember from Crank's, the famous, but late lamented veggie restaurant of London. See references 2 and 3.

Reference 1: They need to get on as the important sign is slowly but surely fading away.

Reference 2:

Reference 3: These people might have bought the name, but the offering looks a long way from the hazelnut and lentil pies that I associate with it. Furthermore, I was surprised to read that it opened in Carnaby Street (then about to be uber-trendy) in 1961. I had thought, quite wrongly as it turns out, that it was a bunch of whole-food-good-life-arts-and-crafts-long-hairs from the Fitzrovia of between the two world wars. Probably went to school at Harrow or Eton, then dropped out to spend the family money, much easier on the brain than making some more.

Group search key: wwwy.

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