Saturday 17 August 2019

Trolley 284

Three more trolleys from the M&S food hall, captured from among the selection in the passage between the gym and the late Ashmore Insurance. Careful inspection will reveal that we have at least two models here, with two different struts connecting the front wheels.

While I was on the case, I was joined by some people who must have worked nearby. Their spokeswomen, a youngish lady, was rather annoyed that all these trolleys were being dumped near the parking space, I assume to the left of the snap, which she was paying good money for. All set to send M&S a snap, followed by an irate phone call.

I contented myself with climbing up to the collection point on the first floor and telling the rather younger lady there, perhaps a Saturday girl, about all the trolleys. She agreed that it was not good enough and said that she would tell her manager. Not at all sure that she will remember - nor whether said manager will do anything much about it if she does. While I, in my innocence, had thought that a senior enough M&S person would notice the trolleys on his or her way from the station to work and get something done about it - without needing prompts from me or anyone else.

Then down East Street, I noticed an older man marching towards Epsom, that is to say away from Kiln Lane, with a trolley from Sainsbury's containing a very modest amount of shopping. He did not look like the sort of chap who was going to return the empty - but I suppose he might return it on his next trip. Providing that is that he remembers to look behind the dustbins before he sets off.

A little while later, going up Longmead Road, on the combined pedestrian/cycle path, another older man was speeding down the path in his large size mobility scooter, doing around 10mph and taking up rather more than half the path. It struck me that it might be a good thing if these things were governed down to, say, 5mph, giving sleepy pedestrians more chance of getting out of the way and less chance of being badly damaged if they fail so to do.

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