Monday 1 February 2021

Lollipop man

I read this morning that our fat leader has told his Chancellor to tell us that he is not going to raise income tax, national insurance or VAT to help pay the huge bill for coronavirus. He is also the leader of the party of sound money, the party of Margaret Thatcher that does not spend more money than there is in the piggy bank. Or the cocoa tin, if that is where it is kept. Which two policies, taken together, strike me as bizarre, given that the three items mentioned account for two thirds of the tax take.

Is it all part of maintaining the illusion that we can have something for nothing? An illusion which may help the Tories to keep the red wall blue? An illusion which much of the media and most of our politicians seem keen to maintain. An illusion which is paid for by being in considerable debt to people like the Saudis who are sitting on great piles of money. Concerning which, curiously, I believe that the Prophet says that thou shall not lend money out at interest. See reference 3.

Or is it just that our fat leader can't bear to be the bearer of bad news? He needs to be the bearer of good news so that he can hear all those clapping hands. Perhaps he should be called the lollipop man.

Reference 1: The usually reliable source of the snap above.

Reference 2: The last outing of this particular subject.

Reference 3:

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