Monday 8 February 2021

Getting rich quick

Mr. Farage worked hard - and ultimately successfully - to convince the voters of this country that everything would be great if only we cut loose from all those pesky bureaucrats in Brussels. Bash the bureaucrats down and up we could all pop, free, fit and ready to get rich.

And although he does not share that much with the lollipop man of reference 1 - going, for example, to neither Eton nor Oxford - nor, indeed, to any university at all, electing rather for the university of life - he does share a love of the limelight, feeling quite bereft without it.

So he now arranged for Google to pump advertisements for his new venture (at references 3 and 4) into peoples' email boxes. Which yesterday included mine. First wonder, where is the money to pay Google coming from?

Not at all clear what the business model is, apart from promising us that we can all get rich quick, if only we subscribe to his magazine and take his pills. Which strikes me as a bit of a forlorn hope. Persuading people that Europe is rubbish is one thing; persuading people that money grows on trees and is there for the picking is another.

One imagines that in another life he would have made a very good encyclopedia salesman or second hand car dealer. Or, in the olden days, a second hand horse dealer. Or perhaps a mountebank - which I now know as a person who sells patent medicines by putting on a bit of a show at fairs and such like. Which I now know from the James Laver of reference 5 to have been just one of the many strands of theatrical life which, together, evolved into the theatre we know and love today.

PS: there was of course the important sub-text to the Brexit message - no more foreigners. So ironic that both Farage and the lollipop man should have a good dose of foreign running in their veins. Rather more than average.

Reference 1:

Reference 2: From where one learns that he was a member for twenty years of an institution he rubbished. But happy enough to take their money. One wonders what proportion of his income his salary as an MEP amounted to? How many duck houses did he manage to charge to those pesky bureaucrats?

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

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