Tuesday 27 November 2018


A hat found lying around in Ewell Village. Gathered up on the grounds that the rightful owners of such things rarely, if ever, bother to retrace their footsteps to recover them. So it might as well go to a good home where it will earn its keep, rather than slowly disintegrating into a mess in the gutter.

I add a small bit of local information. There is building activity in what used to be the Star public house, the refurbishment of which lapsed some years ago. What does the future hold? Is someone going to have another go at making a go of it?

As it happens a pub I rather liked, even if I did not use it very often. A place with room for both drinkers and wives. As I recall, for a while a Morland's house, a company since gobbled up by Greene King. Or was it Marston's? Certainly some odd brewery, one that one did not see much of hereabouts.

Group search key: wca.

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