Thursday 17 September 2020

Express prefab

Late this afternoon, after a hard day at the compost bin, on which I shall report shortly, I decided that a run around Ruxley Lane was called for, bearing in the mind the various opportunities for cop-out between Kiln Lane and the hill up to the Ruxley Lane turn-off. A cop-out which nearly came to pass as there was something of a northerly breeze slowing me down.

Market running down in Epsom and Wetherspoon's quiet for the time of day, that is to say just about 1700. Most of the masks being worn over face (rather than under chin) were on ladies. Quite a lot of traffic about, although not as many ambulances as there had been on my outing yesterday.

Made no progress in getting off 20 at the numbers game. Plenty of 20's and a few fifties but that was the best I could do until I got back to Manor Green Road when there was a rash of low fifties. And then by chance, I thought to go round to see the express prefab, a going round which, incidentally, demonstrates that a long gentle up is generally much harder work than a short steep up, height for height - this way round (anti-clockwise) being the long gentle up and it is much heavier going than the other way. But, on the up side, getting a 33, significantly nearer than 21 from above than anything else that afternoon.

Onto the prefab, still not finished and a large skip was still in residence, off snap to the left, but there was at least one set of blinds and at least one window open. The burglar alarm had been installed. The three dustbins had been reinstated (counting the small, usually fox-proof used food caddy (in the jargon of Epsom Council) as one of them). A Discovery had been installed on the front drive. Just the sort of car one would expect the owner - by self report a very important civil servant - not that I have ever met the chap - to have. So maybe he and his family have actually moved in or are limbering up so to do, something more than a year since ground was broken, as it were - remembering here that the first job was knocking down the house that was there before. Ground breaking and cellar digging came later.

A bonus was a washer in the road just outside. A washer of a new-to-me size, now added to the collection.

PS: from this angle, the pointed bit of roof in the middle might be a complete fake, with no roof behind and no window in front. But inspection of earlier snaps revealed that there is roof behind, so only a half fake. See references 2 and 3 for the real thing.

Reference 1: Doesn't seem like well over a month since I last noticed progress.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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