Wednesday 16 June 2021

Pork feast

A feast which now took place around ten days ago.

A day which started with a walk around the full Horton Lane Clockwise, rather than lopping a corner off as I did on the occasion noticed at reference 1. Walking leg muscles getting back into some sort of shape.

Lots of two-wheeled Lycra about. Very male on this occasion. A few joggers - a female majority sport hereabouts - to redress the balance.

Struck by the size of the trees at the top of Hook Road Arena, snapped above right in their summer livery, probably planted at the time the mental hospitals were converted into housing estates - which means that we would have been around at the time.

Small stash of bricks at the top of Longmead Road, from which I thought to carry one home, but it only took a hundred yards for me to realise that this was a bad idea and deposited it against collection another day. Passed two more stashes on the way home, one a bit of collapsed retaining wall on Longmead Road, the other a bit of collapsed wall at undertaker corner at Pound Lane. Vandal action.

The pork started life as  what I remember as 5lbs 6oz of rolled shoulder and so into the oven at 10:15 for 13:30 at 160°C, which turned out slightly more cooked than I remember the last one. Which is not what the record says. So what with failure to make a proper record on this occasion, and errors in previous records, not doing too well.

Taken with boiled vegetables in the usual way, plus a drop of the wine from Pfaffenheim, that is to say a sprightly little 2012 Bergweingarten. Seemingly last taken towards the end of April, as noticed at reference 5. Time continues to fly.

Towards the end of the first shift.

Dessert on this occasion took the form of Carr's water biscuits, Lincolnshire Poacher and two tone grapes. That is to say both Sainsbury's and Waitrose have taken to selling small trays containing one small bunch of seedless green grapes and one small bunch of seedless blue grapes. These last taste pretty good, but do tend to acquire a rather unsightly bloom on their rather tough skins.

A good meal. The record does not say anything about Scrabble, so perhaps I lost.

The next day, back to the bricks. The first pile was being cleared up, so just as well I had already removed one. Passed on the second stash, and took two yellow bricks from the undertaker. Home, I found it very hard to get the mortar off without damaging the bricks. In the end, I gave up, chopped the bricks up and lost them in what is supposed to be the ivy covered pile in front of the brick compost bin. I say suppose, because this ivy is looking very unhealthy at the moment, with a lot of leaves gone and a lot of those which are left going spotty or yellow. No idea what the problem is. Too many foxes leaving their marks?

And, oddly, the inside of one of the yellow bricks was yellow, while the inside of the other was blue. No idea what that is either.

Later the same day, back to Kingston to take a look at the fish in Hogsmill. They were there OK, as was this rather tired trolley. They might look like stainless steel, but maybe they aren't.

The pork went on to serve well on days 2 and 3 and to serve on day 4. On that fourth occasion being augmented by a modest potato pie to make up numbers.

Reference 1:

Reference 2: A fake picked up on the Longmead Road.

Reference 3: The rolled pork before last.

Reference 4: The last rolled pork.

Reference 5:

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