Saturday 27 February 2021

More pork

Pork came round again last Sunday, seemingly having had its last outing towards the end of last November. Plausible, I suppose, given that we run to four or five different kinds of roast and we don't do roasts every Sunday. And very rarely on any other day. 

I was given the choice of rolled shoulder or rolled leg and I settled for shoulder - although when I turned up the butcher was rolling up what looked like a large piece of meat for a shoulder, maybe a couple of feet long and getting of for a foot wide. Didn't like to poke around in these viral times.

Whatever it was, it weighed in at 4lbs 14.5oz, half a pound more than the last one, so salted and into the oven at 160°C at 1015 for 1330, rather than at 1030. While I went off around Jubilee Way.

To return to roast pork, mashed potato, crinkly cabbage and carrot. Apple sauce and such like for those that like such, which I don't. Never quite connected with the attraction of cold stewed apple for hot roast pork. But plenty do, so it must be me. Taken with a spot of the 1040 last taken with the boiled beef taken just about a month previously and noticed at reference 2. With one lesson from this last being that there is plenty of decent wine around in the £20-40 range, which is where we tend to be for Sunday roast purposes. £10-20 for every day purposes. Furthermore, the Sunday range rarely delivers a dud. So the relationship with Pyrene at reference 3 can be deemed a success. Mitigation for the present inaccessibility of Terroirs, one of their other customers - and maybe later in the year we will allow ourselves a visit to the shop itself, rather than to click and deliver.

Crackling good, but left to BH given that having lost one pre-molar to crackling many years ago, I am now rather careful with the few pre-molars and molars that I still have downstairs.

Followed by blackberry and apple crumble for dessert. With the apples, cunningly sliced but entire, sandwiched between the blackberries and the crumble. Very good. Possibly wound down with a spot of Calvados.

A little later on, a modest 8 bricks carried and then onto Scrabble. Which I won by a reasonable margin, despite some ups and downs.

The pork did well cold for Monday and Tuesday. Goes rather further cold than hot, not least because it can be sliced rather thinner. With a different sort of pork - white pudding - for Wednesday.

PS: we were amused to notice that our bottle was number 1,325 of 3,334. From which we deduce that they made around 3,000 litres of the stuff in this particular year, that is to say 2017. And I think that somewhere else on the bottle it talks of its being aged in 600 litre containers, so just 5 of those would do the business. Between ten and fifteen of our fifty gallon drums, or a fair amount of cellar space. Something to be checked, should we ever happen to visit. 

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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