Wednesday 13 February 2019

Piano 6

Piano 6 was captured in the church of Saint Candida and Holy Cross in Whitchurch Canonicorum in Dorset, a church to which I shall return in due course.

A Kawai Supreme Sonnet, almost buried in building works in and around the organ. Complete with a sign forbidding its movement without the express permission of the verger, or some such.

Another piano maker of which I had not previously heard, this one seemingly an up-market builder of acoustic pianos, electric pianos and hybrids. 'The imaginative spirit of Koichi Kawai, our founder, laid an ambitious foundation for all who would follow, and is the primary reason why the name Kawai has been synonymous with innovation since 1927. Always searching for new materials and technologies that can improve the tone, touch, stability or durability of a piano, Kawai has pioneered many of the piano industry’s most compelling and beneficial innovations, including aluminium action rails, slow-close fallboards, hard finish music desks and the revolutionary use of ABS composites and carbon fibre in piano actions. The company’s passion for innovation also extends to electronics where Kawai created the industry’s first digital pianos with real wooden keys, the first action designs that re-create the natural movement and motion of an acoustic piano action, the first built-in CD recorders and the first affordable digital pianos with real wooden soundboards. In its never-ending quest to elevate the art of instrumental craftsmanship, Kawai continues to fulfil its calling as the future of the piano'.

Sadly, I cannot decipher many of the markings on this one and have failed to track it, or its price, down.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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