Saturday 24 April 2021


A bit worried this morning to have received what appears to be an invitation by email to pay a bill for £500 or so from a Canadian aggregate company, that is to say a company which presumably digs sand, gravel and rock out of the ground, cleans it up and sells it on as building material. All this taking place in Nelson in British Columbia., a little to the east of Vancouver. A company with a web site (reference 1) which is headed up with the arty snap of a loader, included above. A fairly ordinary loader, very much the sort of thing that used to be park outside the house in which we used to rent an upstairs flat, with the driver occupying the back bedroom and making weekly use of the bath in the cupboard in our kitchen. Noticed at reference 2.

But why are they sending me a bill? Has someone infiltrated their computer so that they can spoof a bill? Why me - it being most unlikely that I have shopped with these people - despite Canadian connections and an interest in concrete?

I have not opened the attachments but I have sent Hadean a query using their contact form. We will see if anyone bothers to reply.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

1 comment:

  1. Hadean do bother to reply. The answer may be that they have a gravel customer with the same name as me but whose email address they had mislaid - so they guessed. Conspiracy theory falls!
