Monday 12 October 2020

Wisley fails

As noticed at reference 1, back in August, the RHS - that is to say the Royal Horticultural Society - is fighting the roads people about the improvements to the A3/M25 interchange.

At that time I complained about the RHS doing little more than banging on about garden heritage. No attempt to engage with the issues and choices facing the roads people. 

Today I have been prompted to sign their petition again, with supporting information at reference 2. Clicking on the first link provided I am taken to a bunch of video clips on YouTube. Quite incomprehensible - at least without more puzzling and head scratching than I am prepared to put in. Clicking on the second link provided takes me to the roads people and the elaborate planning process. A little while later I find a bunch of submissions by the RHS. All in planning lawyer speak. No good to a lay person at all. Much better for boosting fee income for said lawyers.

I remain rather cross that the RHS has not produced anything which explains why I should sign their petition. Saying that a few big trees are going to be cut down is not good enough, even if one or two of them are Wellingtonia. I expected something better, something setting out their proposals and why the collateral damage associated with their proposals was more acceptable than that associated with those of the roads people. Or if it is just a matter of throwing more money at the problem, then say so. And talking of money, considering the amount of money that the RHS must have thrown at their lawyers, it is a bit poor that they didn't get something better to show their members. Poor marks for the senior management team.

So the petition remains unsigned.

Reference 1:

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