Saturday 24 October 2020

Fancy school bus

Brought to me this afternoon by Microsoft News.

Brought to you by Torsus, a Czech company that specialises in off-road, not to say armoured, buses. With this school bus being not much more than a paint job on their regular Torsus Praetorian, a serious looking vehicle sporting a diesel engine of near 7 litres, which sounds a lot to me. Maybe £150,000, depending on colour of paint and that sort of thing. Which is a lot less than what our fat leader paid (each) for some heritage-style but brand new London buses.

Given that there is already a house down Fairoak Lane with an armoured bolt-holt in case the terrorists come calling, a house we got to hear about in the Coopers of Stamford Green Road, maybe the residents of Fairoak Lane should club together to get one of these to get their children to school. Judging by the size of their houses they could easily afford it and it would put the average Chelsea Tractor well into the shade. Or even the US style yellow bus we came across a few years ago, here in Surrey and noticed at reference 2. Or even the ever popular Humvee. Last seen by me by the yacht club building in Yarmouth, in the Isle of Wight, maybe 15 years ago. At least that is the last one that I can remember today, despite having the nagging feeling that there has been something much more recent.

Reference 1: 'Working in partnership with MAN and VW on key chassis and powertrain technology ensures that every TORSUS has ultimate durability, reliability, serviceability, value and, of course, toughness engineered in'.

Reference 2:

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