Sunday 27 January 2019

Trolley 218

The trolley on the right has been in the stream for a few weeks, not fished out partly because the basket has been bent and Sainsbury's may not want it back. Indeed, the red and white tape visible on one of the struts might well be the mark of condemnation by the chief trolley jockey - but with the trolley so condemned somehow escaping back into the real world.

While the trolley on the left was on the other side of the stream at noon yesterday, at the wrong end of my walk, so I did not rescue it there and then, and in the stream this morning. Luckily I was able to retrieve it without the aid of grappling iron, rope etc - and without falling in.

Soon cleaned off and trundled around to Sainsbury's, to find a fire engine just pulling out - without bothering to pull down the shutters on all the interesting bits of kit on the near side shelving. I thought about rushing after it waving my arms to catch their attention, but decided against.

Then on the way back to town, I passed a young lady who did not care to have simple slashes in the legs of her jeans and had opted for something rather like pulled thread work. Quite complicated patterns, quite neatly done. So either she or her mother had spent some quality time on them - or some quality money.

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