Friday 25 January 2019

Fake 55

After dealing with the moon last Friday (see previous post) off to the 'Plaice to Eat' for a fish supper, a place with which we have been well pleased with in the past.

Presented with sliced wally, pickled onions, bread and butter on arrival. Haddock and chips for me to follow, cod, chips and salad for BH. Washed down with tea, although alcohol was, I think, available. All very good and the quantities were about right. Much better than the pub equivalent, although this last has come on in leaps and bounds over the years, and is usually quite acceptable, if heavily coated.

We wondered about how the fish was delivered: fresh or frozen? I thought probably frozen, given the appearance of the grey sideline of my haddock. Whatever the case, the haddock had a good texture and tasted fine.

Potatoes almost certainly fresh, as I quite often pass the potato delivery lorry parked outside, taking in what always seems to be a good number of sacks.

Faked for this arch over the more traditional windows. Thin slivers of brick glued onto a wooden backing and painted in gloss. There used to be a lot of it from the Cypriots who lived and restauranteured in and around Harringay Green Lanes in the 1970's, so perhaps it is a Mediterranean thing.

Followed up with a spot of the Picpoul at the Marquis, which was quite busy with young people, some of them clearly on the lookout. Perhaps it was what used to be called a pickup place. But there were also some older people, so a good mix overall. Near thirty year now since I thought to make the place my local, in the days when it still had an old-fashioned brewery tenant and his wife running the place, long since retired to the seaside.

And nearly home, nearly scored a three at the aeroplane game in our very own road. Not sure now why it was nearly, but that is what the note says. Most likely because I lost the first aeroplane, although it should still have been there, after I had snagged the third. One has to get all three in one sweep of the eyes for it to qualify.

Reference 1: One supposes that for a small business, a Facebook page in a cheap and easy alternative to setting up your own website. With the open access being something of a two edged weapon: you get the fair comment but you also get the rubbish. But see reference 3 below.

Reference 2: The last documented visit appears to have been in 2017, although reference 3 suggest that we also visited in February last year.

Reference 3: The website included in this post does not seem to exist any more. Perhaps there was a change of ownership, even though there has been no detectable change of format.

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