Wednesday 8 July 2020

The look of government to come

When I was in the world of work, in (the lower ranks of) government as it happens, governments used to communicate with the rest of us in a reassuringly stuffy way. And for the price of a decent newspaper you could find out what was going on. And if you were really curious, you could buy a copy of the usually well presented Budget Statement (or whatever) and read it from the depths of one's armchair, glass of something that warms near at hand. 

Whereas now the Conservatives, their hallowed name notwithstanding, have taken a leaf from Trump's playbook and have taken to communication by Twitter. Fancy signed graphics and all.

Which may be a change for the better, but for us older people, it is another nail in our coffins. There is already an awful lot of stuff we are cut off from if we don't have an email account, a smart phone and a Broadband connection to the Internet. Very soon there will be an awful lot of stuff we are cut off from if we don't do Twitter. Where will it all end?

PS 1: and what would Past Master Blair made of it all? Would he have taken to Twitter like a duck to water, had it been available to him?

PS 2: I continue to mull over the wisdom of encouraging us to get out and enjoy ourselves in places with alcohol licenses. Yesterday it was all stay at home and be safe, today it is all get out there and swing. Perhaps it is as good a way as any of keeping lots of young people in jobs? Young people who, until recently, were very likely to have come here from somewhere else in the European Union...

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