Sunday 15 December 2019

Yummy mummies

There has long been trouble about parking outside Stamford Green School, trouble which probably did not exist when the school was built in the sixties or seventies of the last century, when most primary children still walked to school. While now, lots of children ride to school, lots of schools do not have adequate parking on or near site and lots of busy parents cannot be bothered to park in a considerate way in the residential streets around those schools. And, at the same time, both the average size of a family car and the number of people parking in these same streets for other reasons have been growing. In fairness, I should add that the present headmistress of Stamford Green School has worked hard to calm all this down.

However, perhaps fifteen or twenty years ago, it prompted the planting of substantial wooden posts, almost certainly some kind of tropical hardwood, possibly from an endangered species, to stop parents parking on the stretch of sidewalk opposite the school entrance.

One of these has just been knocked down and inspection suggests that while there might be some softness around the edges, the core of these posts is still sound - and this one must have taken quite a knock to snap it off at ground level. And if the knock was delivered by a car, one might have thought that there would be a fair sized dent somewhere on the car. But I don't suppose we will ever know.

We are opening a book on whether the post will be replaced. Will the council being able go wheedle something from the coronation bonanza coming down from on high, from our newly elected leader?

PS: the school building which looks sixties or seventies to me. But I completely failed to find a date on the Internet. Perhaps I will pop in tomorrow and ask them. Perhaps a reader will point me to the right place: surely the date is out there somewhere?

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