Tuesday 6 April 2021

Frost report

Sharp frost this Wednesday morning, on which we are up early on account of it being the day of in-person lockdown shopping. Flat roofs of both extension and garage pretty white. Frost on the first two thirds of the back lawn, the back third with tree cover excepted. Frost on the leylandii but not on the other bushes. I dare say there would be frost on the car, if I were to go down and look.

BH will do the shopping, while I attend to a request from Yodel to rate their delivery from Majestic, something I occasionally bother with on the grounds that bothering might be linked in some way to the delivery driver's prospects or remuneration. I am pleased to be able to report that the people that Yodel get to do this use very on-message language to describe gender. Let's hope they are as careful about the rest of it.

PS 1: my first attempt at spelling 'remuneration' was 'renumeration'. I suppose that the brain thought that money was about numbers. While OED tells me that the word is a lift from the Latin for reward, a compound formed from 'munus' for gift. A formulation which leaves room for payment in kind. From where I associate to an anecdote of my mother's about poor fishermen, presumably in her native Canada, getting fed up with being paid in salmon, which the storekeepers would not take in payment for whisky.

PS 2: that afternoon: the Burgenia out front, which had been nicely in flower, up against the front wall of the house, were badly hit by this frost, with nearly all the flowers wilted to a dirty white from a bright pink.

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