Tuesday 15 December 2020

Brexit arrives at Epsom

At some point during the day, Brexit finally arrived at Epsom. In the form of an important message from Amazon France, from whom I buy the odd book from time to time. Clearly something to be peered at more carefully after a drop of something that warms.

Amazon France is often a convenient way to buy books in French, but there are clearly links with Amazon UK, not least the shared logon credentials, and one has to be careful that whatever it is one that one is buying is indeed in the language you want, which is not always clear from the description. 

Will I be getting a similar message from ebay France, with whom I also have occasional dealings? See, for example, reference 1. Or is my relationship not with ebay, but with the individual sellers concerned, and it being up to them to deal with Customs or whatever? Or not, as I could see plenty not wanting to be bothered with it, so stop selling into the UK.

PS: taking a while to get used to politiques meaning policies, at least in this context, rather than politics. While Littré more or less restricts itself of political meanings, although it does mention its use in the sense of our politic. Perhaps the Amazon usage is relatively recent, while my (abridged) version of Littré was published in 1990. By Livre de Poche, which is a bit of a misnomer as it is a bit heavy for any pocket of mine. From Grant & Cutler, lately of Great Marlborough Street, now part of the Foyles family. With Bing being a bit confused, seeming to think that they still operate out of the old address, rather than out of the Foyles address in Charing Cross Road. Clearly something to be checked up on in due course.

Reference 1: psmv4: Ebay. A reminder that I have yet to read this important, if short book, more than a year after purchase. It had sunk to the bottom of the pending tray, from which it took maybe 30 seconds to retrieve it and return to the top of the heap. So not lost, just quiet.

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