Thursday 27 May 2021

Union Jack

I have always been rather keen on the Union Jack, not particularly for patriotic reasons, but because it is different. Many countries go in for some form of tricolour, more or less all of which I would fail to identify. I couldn't even say which way around the French tricolour is supposed to fly. And the only country with a flag which is similarly idiosyncratic to our own is the United States - which, given their origins, is perhaps no coincidence.

So today, given that the way we are headed means that we will probably not be able to use it for many more years, at the very least not use it with much pride, I decided to fly the Union Jack on the pirate ship erected for the day in our back garden. As luck would have it, BH had something suitable left over from a street party. And I had a suitable bamboo pole to fly it from.

The image above is taken from the Wikipedia entry, and reference 1 confirms that they had got it the right way up. I don't think I ever knew the simple rule enunciated there, despite membership of patriotic outfits like the Cubs, the Scouts and the CCF.

PS: later in the day, I was interested to see that a panel of the great and the good had decided that Paul Dacre, the former editor of that organ of the right wing of the Tory party known as the 'Daily Mail', to this day the source of lot more of the content of my Microsoft news feed than I care for, was unappointable as the new chair of OfCom, to replace Lord Burns, another member of the great and good club. This despite our fat leader barking for him, that is to say Dacre, not Burns. And if Dacre does break through on the rerun, how long will the BBC survive after that? Will it be replaced by a UK version of Fox News? Contracted out to News Corp?

Reference 1:

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